3/24/2025 M. Washington (Admin)
What Is Data?
BlazorData.Net aims to provide tools that empower users to import, export, manipulate, and present data effectively.
At first glance, the concept of data might seem obvious, but understanding it thoroughly is essential to grasp why these tools are needed and how they are used.
Data Is Not the Thing – The Thing Is the Thing
The most important concept to understand is that data is not a "thing"—it merely represents a "thing." For example, if you have a list of all your customers in Excel, the customers themselves are not the list. The list is simply a representation of your customers.
This brings us to a fundamental question: Why do we create data? Why do we write down a list of our customers?
The ultimate purpose of creating data is to use it to make decisions.
Since decision-making is the ultimate goal of data collection, the next logical question is: How do we use data to make decisions?
Two Methods of Using Data: Transformation and Reporting
The primary methods for leveraging data to make decisions are transforming data and reporting.
Data Transformation
Transformation involves restructuring data into a format that makes it easier to analyze and use for decision-making.
Reports, on the other hand, typically present data in a way where the decision is almost made for you. Reports organize data to highlight actionable insights.
Example: Transforming and Using Data
Suppose you have a list of customers (your data) and a separate list of all the orders placed by these customers for widgets manufactured in your factory (more data). These two datasets are distinct, but you want to combine them—a process known as transformation.
Next, you might further transform this combined data by calculating the total amount each customer has spent over the last quarter. You then organize the data to create a list of your top 10 customers by spending. This result allows you to focus efforts on retaining your most valuable customers.
Without the processes of data collection and transformation, obtaining this actionable insight would be very challenging, making it harder to make informed decisions.
BlazorData.Net and the Personal Data Warehouse
BlazorData.Net’s tools, particularly the Personal Data Warehouse, streamline these processes:
- Import and Export
- The Personal Data Warehouse allows users to import data from Excel, delimited files, Parquet files, SQL Server, and Microsoft Fabric Warehouse. It also supports exporting to these formats.
- Data Manipulation
- One of the most powerful features of the personal data warehouse is its integration with artificial intelligence. With a simple prompt, the AI can generate a script to provide insights—such as identifying your top 10 customers.
- The application also has an integrated spreadsheet to allow you to edit your data.
- Presenting Data
- The Personal Data Warehouse includes a full reporting engine that allows you to use AI, or the free Microsoft Report Builder to create pixel perfect reports suitable for executive level decision making.