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9/9/2024 - Microsoft Fabric and the Blazor Data Sheet

Using  the Blazor DataSheet allows you to easily view and update data in your Microsoft Fabric Warehouse .   Creating Forms is the biggest cost in an application Creating forms is often one of the most time-consuming and costly parts of building an application, but utilizing a Blazor DataSheet can significantly reduce both. By allowing users to view and update data directly within a flexible, grid-like interface, Blazor DataSheet eliminates the need for complex form

9/9/2024 - Import Data Fast into Fabric Using Parquet Files

To import data efficiently into Microsoft Fabric you want to use parquet files. You can leverage C# and Microsoft Blazor for a streamlined process. By utilizing the powerful Parquet.Net library in C# , you can quickly write parquet files, enabling you to handle large datasets with ease.  This approach not only speeds up data import but also enhances the scalability and performance of your import process.   Traditional Way to Import Data Into Fabric The s

9/8/2024 - Connect to Microsoft Fabric Using TSQL and Microsoft Blazor

You can access the data in your Microsoft Fabric Warehouses using the SQL endpoint . This allows you to import , query and update the data using tools such as SQL Server Management Studio and applications such as Microsoft Blazor .   What is Microsoft Fabric Microsoft Fabric is an end-to-end analytics and data platform designed to unify various data-related tasks into a single, cohesive solution. It integrates data movement, processing, ingestion, transfor

7/5/2024 - Using a Blazor Excel Datasheet To Update A Database

Most business applications involve viewing, updating, and deleting data. To facilitate these actions developers using spend a lot of time and money creating forms.  In this blog post, we’ll explore how to use an Excel-like data editor control within a Blazor application, to update a SQL database, eliminating the need to create forms.   The Application Download the application from: Note: This project is for

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